Chicago parish partners with community to provide Thanksgiving Day dinner

Chicago parish partners with community to provide Thanksgiving Day dinner

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 — the eve of Thanksgiving Day — Father John Baker and a group of faithful from Christ the Savior Parish, Chicago IL, gathered at the parish hall of Saint Agnes Roman Catholic Church in the Little Village neighborhood to serve a Thanksgiving day dinner to 120 residents of the neighborhood, many of whom had lost loved ones to the gang violence that plagues the area.

Chicago parish partners with community to provide Thanksgiving Day dinner
Dinner participants render thanks for God’s blessings.

“The idea to provide the meal was led by the initiative of Eddie and Kathryn Bocanegra, parishioners of Christ the Savior Parish, who both work in violence prevention programs and with families from the neighborhood,” said Father John.  “Not only was a meal served, but it provided an opportunity for interaction between the two communities.”

Children in attendance also enjoyed making Thanksgiving art projects with which to decorate their homes.

Located in the heart of downtown Chicago’s north side, Christ the Savior parishioners continue to be involved in a variety of neighborhood outreach ministries.

An inspiring gallery of photos may be accessed at here.