Chicago area parents’ breakfast forum on substance use/abuse

Chicago area parents’ breakfast forum on substance use/abuse

PALOS HEIGHTS, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — The Chicago area Orthodox Christian Coalition for Healthy Youth [OCCHY] will host a breakfast forum for parents at Saint Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church, 12307 South Ridgeland Ave., Palos Heights, IL from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, January 25, 2014.

Chicago area parents' breakfast forum on substance use/abuseThe forum topic — “Talk to Your Kids… And Save your Child from Substance Use/Abuse” — will be developed by three presenters.

Dr. Lisa A. Razzano, Ph.D., CPRP, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UIC Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy, will speak on “Youth and Development Issues in Harm Reduction.”  Archpriest Andrew Harrison, Alcoholism Ministry Leader and Rector of Saint Luke Church [OCA], Palos Hills, IL, will discuss “Alcoholism and the Family,” while a district law enforcement officer will offer a presentation titled “The Best Anti-Drug is You.”

Donation for the breakfast and program is $5.00.

To register send an e-mail to or call 708-298-9770.

Click here to download a flyer for distribution.  For additional information on the OCCHY visit

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