Holy Theophany Chapel, Williams Bay, WI hosts sister communities

Holy Theophany Chapel, Williams Bay, WI hosts sister communities

WILLIAMS BAY, WI [MW Diocese Communications] — The faithful of Holy Theophany Chapel here welcomed their sisters and brothers from Milwaukee’s Saints Cyril and Methodius Church, Chicago/Hyde Park’s Saint Makarios the Great Mission, and Chicago’s Christ the Savior Church for the celebration of their patronal feastday and the Blessing of Lake Geneva on Saturday, January 11, 2014.

Holy Theophany Chapel, Williams Bay, WI hosts sister communitiesThe chapel was established several years ago as a missionary outreach of Saints Cyril and Methodius Church.  The growing number of faithful gather for worship in a renovated farm house, led by primarily by Priest John Jones and Protodeacon George Potym of the Milwaukee parish.

After braving the unusually cold weather, attendees shared dinner at the Abbey Springs Club, where children from the four communities were able to dive for the Cross.

During the memorable day, a donation of $2,100.00 was offered to Saint Makarios Mission to further its ministry.  Located on the campus of the University of Chicago, Saint Makarios is one of the few Orthodox Christian communities on the south side of Chicago and is served by Priest Elijah Mueller.

Among those present for the celebration was Archpriest Thomas Mueller, rector of Saints Cyril and Methodius Church and Dean of the Chicago Deanery.

Photo galleries of the day may be accessed here and here.

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