Mission Team Chicago to hold benefit dinner February 27

Mission Team Chicago to hold benefit dinner February 27

Mission Team Chicago to hold benefit dinner February 27CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — For the 17th consecutive year, Mission Team Chicago will host a fundraising dinner which this year will benefit the Orthodox Chrsitian Mission Center and mission in Guatemala on Thursday, February 27, 2014.

The dinner will be held at Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, 2350 East Dempster St., Des Plaines, IL.

Keynote speaker will be Father John Chakos, who is engaged in missionary work among indigenous Guatemalans seeking Orthodox Christianity.

Donation is $30.00.  To make reservations contact mtcbenefit@yahoo.com, visit www.missionteamchicago.org, call 773-447-3335, or download a reservation form here.  Deadline for reservations is February 20.

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