Diocesan Chancellor visits Holy Myrrhbearers Chapel, St. Cloud, MN

Diocesan Chancellor visits Holy Myrrhbearers Chapel, St. Cloud, MN

ST. CLOUD, MN [MW Diocese Communications] — Archpriest John Zdinak, Chancellor of the Diocese of the Midwest, and Archpriest Paul Wesche, Dean of the Minneapolis Deanery, visited Holy Myrrhbearers Chapel here on July 9, 2014.

Diocesan Chancellor visits Holy Myrrhbearers Chapel, St. Cloud, MN“The chapel, planted in central Minnesota in 2001, is the only Orthodox community between Minneapolis and Fargo — 250 miles apart — and draws members and interest from a large territory,” said Archpriest Nathan Kroll, Priest-in-Charge.  “The faithful who were present spent a focussed 75 minutes discussing issues of parish health, including the availability of parish development grants, the maintenance of a sound operating structure, gratitude and utility of the diverse gifts of the community, and a realistic view of financial needs.”

An immediate result of the meeting was the renewal of the chapel’s Facebook page and a commitment to updating and augmenting its website.

“Everyone left the meeting enthusiastic for the mission of joyfully sharing the holy faith with one another and the world,” said Father Nathan.

Visit the community’s web site at www.holymyrrhbearers.org.