Detroit’s SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral hit by flood

Detroit’s SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral hit by flood

DETROIT, MI [MW Diocese Communications] — Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral here, Michigan’s oldest Orthodox Christian parish, was hit hard during the torrential rains that left Detroit under six inches of water at the beginning of the second week of August 2014.

“On Monday, August 11, thousands of gallons of water cascaded through the walls and roof of Saints Peter and Paul Church, and even came up through the floor drains,” said parishioner Janet Lapko.  “The church basement is under two feet of water, and all of its contents are ruined.  One furnace is broken, and the second furnace also may be damaged.

“The parish hall — site of the parish’s extensive homeless and kitchen ministries, the latter of which helps support small food entrepreneurs — also experienced damage,” Janet added.  “This recent disaster places all these activities in jeopardy.”

While overall costs of the damage have yet to be calculated, the parish now faces the task of removing two-plus feet of standing water, mud and sewage; replacing damaged property; and taking steps to prevent mold and other dangers due to lingering moisture.

Parishes and faithful throughout the Diocese of the Midwest are asked to offer financial assistance to the faithful of Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral as they work not only to restore their properties, but to ensure the continuation of the various ministries upon which the parish’s neighbors have come to rely.

“Your contribution will allow these important ministries to continue,” said Janet.  “Your generosity can help our parish face this new challenge and remain a positive force for good in an otherwise troubled city.”

On-line donations may be made here.

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