ZOE for Life to sponsor bus to DC March for Life

ZOE for Life to sponsor bus to DC March for Life

CLEVELAND, OH [MW Diocese Communications] — ZOE for Life, the Cleveland-based Orthodox Christian pro-life organization, will sponsor a one-day bus trip to the 2015 March for Life in Washington, DC on Thursday, January 22.

The bus will depart from ZOE House, which shares a parking lot with Saint Vladimir’s Church, 5913 State Road, Parma, OH, at 4:00 a.m. Thursday morning, with an anticipated return time of midnight.  Food and beverages will be provided on the bus.  The cost is only $30.00 per person.

The March on Washington begins at noon as thousands of Orthodox hierarchs, clergy, and lay persons from around the US gather under the Orthodox Christians for Life banner.  The March will make its way to the Supreme Court building, where prayers will be offered for the unborn victims of abortion.

For additional information or to reserve a seat on the bus, please call Kathy Kovalak at 440-842-6639.