Bishop Paul reflects on the 18th All-American Council
CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — In a reflection titled “My First All-American Council as a Bishop,” His Grace, Bishop Paul, reflected on his experience at the Church-wide gathering in Atlanta, GA July 20-24, 2015.
Adding his “Amen” to those who responded to the “positive nature” of the 18th AAC, Bishop Paul stated that the Council “was a unifying experience at which those gathered seemed to be of one mind.
”This is evidenced by the overwhelming votes in favor of the two major proposals: the proposal to approve the revised Statute of the OCA and the proportional giving proposal to support the work of the Central Administration,” Bishop Paul continued. “This unity was also manifested in the unanimous resolution to support those in Syria who have become refugees in the war there and who are now living in appalling conditions.”
The complete text of Bishop Paul’s reflection may be read here.