Holy Trinity Cathedral site of Liturgical Practicum October 10

Holy Trinity Cathedral site of Liturgical Practicum October 10

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — On October 10, 2015, Holy Trinity Cathedral here will be the site of a Liturgical Practicum for deacons and subdeacons focusing on elements of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.

Holy Trinity Cathedral site of Liturgical Practicum October 10The practicum will begin at 10:00 a.m. and conclude at 3:00 p.m.  Lunch will be provided.

Emphasis will be on the proper preparation of the bishop’s vestments prior to his arrival, the vesting of the bishop, and the proper placement of the orletsi [eagle rugs] used at hierarchical services.  Deacons also will receive detailed instructions on censing and the hierarchical Great Entrance.  Future practicums will review additional aspects of the Hierarchical Liturgy with practical application.

Conducting the practicum will be Deacons Thomas Keith and Alexander Koranda.

An informational flyer for the event may be downloaded here.

For more information and/or to register, please contact Archpriest John Adamcio at 773-486-6064 or troika51@comcast.net.

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