Clergy and their wives invited to participate in special November 4 webinar

Clergy and their wives invited to participate in special November 4 webinar

SYOSSET, NY [MW Diocese Communications] — A special invitation is being extended to all clergy and their wives of the Orthodox Church in America to participate in a webinar titled “Health-Joy-Progress: Reflections on the Priest and the Presvytera” at 1:00 p.m. [EST] on Wednesday, November 4, 2015.

Clergy and their wives invited to participate in special November 4 webinar
Fr. Vasileios Thermos

The webinar—available at no cost to participants—is being made available by the Center for Family Care of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.  Clergy and their wives may register on-line here.

“Facilitating the webinar will be Father Vasileios Thermos, a priest of the Church of Greece and a practicing psychologist, who has conducted research into clergy health and burnout,” said Priest Nathan Preston, Administrator of the OCA’s Department of Pastoral Life.  “Author of several books and articles and regularly in demand as a speaker at clergy retreats, Father Vasileios is Professor of Pastoral Theology and Psychology at the University Ecclesiastical Academy in Athens and was a visiting scholar at the University of Texas Medical Branch in 2014.  He has offered programs for clergy through the US, Greece, Albania, and Cyprus.  His presentation will offer practical reflections on the pastoral vocation in the context of family.”

A webinar flyer may be downloaded here.