Summit, IL’s St. Panteleimon parish to host free Christmas Day dinner for area needy

Summit, IL’s St. Panteleimon parish to host free Christmas Day dinner for area needy

SUMMIT, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — “It does not matter if one is homeless or lonely or has family who are far away, all are welcome to join us for a turkey dinner with all the trimmings on December 25 — Christmas Day,” said Priest Andrew Bartek, Rector of Saint Panteleimon here.  “Summitt Village Trustee and Venetian Gardens restaurant owner Sam Dardovski is generously sponsoring and providing the entire meal, and our doors will be open to all Summit Village persons, regardless of life situation.  Those who have nothing can come for a delicious festal meal and a hot cup of coffee in a warm place.”

The dinner will be served from noon until 3:00 p.m.  On Christmas morning, the Nativity Divine Liturgy, at which visitors also are welcome, will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m.

“Many hands make light work, and a number of people have volunteered to help serve the meal,” Father Andrew added.  “We anticipate that Summit’s Mayor, the Commissioner of the Parks Department, the head of the Public Works Department, Village trustees, students from the local Catholic high school, local Catholic organizations and Saint Panteliemon parishioners to pay a visit and lend a hand for a short while.”

And Father Andrew was quick to added that “Santa Claus is expected to join us, despite his busy schedule!”

Those who wish to volunteer in any capacity, to donate a small gift for a child, or to donate a dessert are welcome to do so.  Please contact Father Andrew at 708-552-5276 to “lend a hand” and share in the true spirit of the Nativity!