Bishop Paul visits Archangel Michael Church, Burbank, IL

Bishop Paul visits Archangel Michael Church, Burbank, IL

Bishop Paul visits Archangel Michael Church Burbank IL
Photo Credit:  Matushka Ksenia Bruner

BURBANK, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — On Wednesday evening, March 16, 2016, His Grace, Bishop Paul received a warm welcome from Priest Gregory Bruner and the faithful of Archangel Michael Church here as he celebrated the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.

Joining the faithful from Archangel Michael Church were Priest Andrew Bartek, Protodeacon Robert Northrup and faithful from Saint Panteleimon Church in neighboring Summit, IL.  Matushka Ksenia Bruner led the choir, which was made up of singers from both parishes.

Bishop Paul visits Archangel Michael Church Burbank IL
Photo Credit:  Matushka Ksenia Bruner

In his homily, Bishop Paul spoke of Great Lent as an opportunity to be “recatechized” in our faith.  He reminded the faithful that fasting is not limited to food, but also our actions, citing the first verse of that evening’s “Lord I Call” hymns: “Let us give food to the hungry!  Let us shelter the poor and homeless, so that we may receive great mercy from Christ our God!”

At the conclusion of the Liturgy, Bishop Paul awarded a kamilavka to Father Gregory.

A lovingly prepared pot luck dinner followed, during which Bishop Paul visited each table and personally greeted everyone in attendance.