St. Makarios Mission, U of C OCF announce April 9 conference, Vespers

St. Makarios Mission, U of C OCF announce April 9 conference, Vespers

St Makarios Mission U of C OCF announce April 9 conference VespersCHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communication] — “The Future of Religious Minorities in the Middle East” will be the focus of a religious minorities conference at Swift Lecture Hall, Third floor of the Divinity School, 1025 East 58 Street, Chicago IL on Saturday, April 9, 2016.

Three presentations by noted speakers will highlight various aspects of the conference theme.

  • At 10:15 a.m., a presentation titled “The Assyrian Genocide and the Century After” will be offered by Hannibal Travis, Florida International University; Dr. Sargon Domabed, Roger Williams University; and Dr. Alda Benjamen, University of Maryland.
  • “Religious Minorities in Syria’s Civil War” will be the focus of a second presentation at 1:30 p.m., offered by Dr. Habib Malik, Lebanese American University; Dr. Fabrice Balanche, University Of Lyon 2; and Dr. Keith Witenpaugh, University of California, Davis.

St Makarios Mission U of C OCF announce April 9 conference Vespers

  • The final presentation, titled “Egypt’s Copts and Baha’is After January 25,” will be offered at 3:30 p.m. by Dr. Mariz Tadros, University Of Sussex; Dr. Febe Armanios, Middlebury College; and Mona Oraby, Northwestern University.

The conference will open with breakfast at 9:30 a.m.

In conjunction with the conference, Priest Elijah Mueller, the faithful of Saint Makarios Mission and the members of the University of Chicago Orthodox Christian Fellowship will host the celebration of “Arab Christian Orthodox Vespers” at the university’s Bond Chapel at 5:30 p.m.  Singing the liturgical responses will be the Chanters of Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Cicero, IL.  Conference participants and the public are warmly invited to attend.

For additional information please call 312-714-9775.