St. Mary’s Cathedral, Minneapolis hosts seventh annual St. Alexis Lecture
Prof. Scott Kenworthy delivers the Seventh Annual Saint Alexis Lecture at Minneapolis’ Saint Mary’s Cathedral on May 6, 2016.
MINNEAPOLIS, MN [MW Diocese Communica-tions] — Professor Scott Kenworthy, Associate Professor of Comparative Religion at the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies at Miami University, Oxford, OH, was the guest speaker at the Twin Cities’ Seventh Annual Saint Alexis (Toth) Lecture at Saint Mary’s Cathedral here May 6, 2016.
According to Archpriest Andrew Morbey, Cathedral Dean, “Professor Kenworth offered fresh insights into the American phase of the missionary labors of the new-Confessor Patriarch Tikhon, who served as bishop and later archbishop in North America from 1898 until 1907, with a special focus on his numerous visits to Minneapolis, his archpastoral care for the community, and the establishment of the North American Ecclesiastical Seminary in Minneapolis.”
Some 60 individuals representing parishes of various jurisdictions enjoyed the informative talk, a lively question and answer session, and a splendid reception hosted by the Cathedral’s Boriss-Hansen Committee.