Bishop Paul visits Holy Resurrection Church, Palatine, IL for patronal feast

Bishop Paul visits Holy Resurrection Church, Palatine, IL for patronal feast

Bishop Paul visits Holy Resurrection Church Palatine IL for patronal feast PALATINE, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — His Grace, Bishop Paul visited Holy Resurrection Church here on May 15, 2016, the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearing Woman and the parish’s patronal feast.

The weekend celebration opened on Saturday evening as Bishop Paul attended Great Vespers, celebrated by Archpriest Alexander Kuchta, Rector.  Following Vespers, Parish Council President Jason Wegh and his wife Sharon hosted a dinner for Bishop Paul and council members.

Bishop Paul visits Holy Resurrection Church Palatine IL for patronal feastOn Sunday, Bishop Paul presided at the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.  In his homily, Bishop Paul emphasized that the testimony of the Myrrhbearing Woman provides the sole evidence of the empty tomb of Christ.  While they were instructed to “go tell His disciples,” they remained astounded by the good news.  He went on to point out that being faced with the truth of the Resurrection would indeed result in their initial silence and awe, adding that we know Christ is truly risen not only because of the witness of the empty tomb, but because of Christ’s presence at the Eucharistic Liturgy as we receive His Body and Blood in Communion.

After the Liturgy, Bishop Paul joined Father Alexander and the faithful and guests at the parish’s annual steak fry.

Bishop Paul visits Holy Resurrection Church Palatine IL for patronal feast Holy Resurrection parish was planted in 1970 as a mission serving Chicago’s rapidly growing northwest suburbs.  Initially, services were held in a high school cafeteria.  In 1975, property consisting of two acres and a house was purchased in Palatine, IL.  In time, the house was converted into a chapel.

The acquisition of a “permanent home” spiked numerical growth, and soon it became evident that a larger facility was necessary.  The new sanctuary was constructed and blessed in June of 1983.  Further growth necessitated the construction of a larger, Byzantine-style church in the early 2000s, during the lengthy pastorate of the current Rector, Father Alexander Kuchta.  Today, Holy Resurrection parish’s community life includes a comprehensive Church School program which meets during the course of the normal school year, an adult Study group, and an excellent parish choir.