Chicago’s Wright College to offer courses taught by diocesan priest

Chicago’s Wright College to offer courses taught by diocesan priest

Chicagos Wright College to offer Old and New Testament classes taught by diocesan priestCHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — Wright College of the City Colleges of Chicago will offer 16-week courses in the Old and New Testaments, Introduction to Religious Studies, and Humanities taught by Archpriest Elijah Mueller of Saint Makarios Mission, Hyde Park/Chicago, this fall.  The deadline for registration is August 22, 2016.  To register contact Father Elijah at or 312-714-9775.

Wright College offers an easy enrollment procedure, small classes, and reasonable tuition.  Credits easily transfer to other colleges, and the courses may be applied to the clergy’s Continuing Ed credits.

Father Elijah also oversees the Diocese of the Midwest’s Saint Macrina Orthodox Institute.

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