Presentation on “Faith in Action” at Wayne State University October 20

Presentation on “Faith in Action” at Wayne State University October 20

DETROIT, MI [MW Diocese Communications] — “Faith in Action” will be the topic of a presentation and discussion by Archpriest Paul Albert in the Romanian Room of Manoogian Hall at Wayne State University here at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 20, 2016.

Presentation on Faith in Action at Wayne State University October 20“Our hope is to connect with Orthodox Christian students and provide outreach to potential enquirers,” said Father Paul, who serves Detroit’s Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral.  “We also hope to revive the school’s Orthodox Christian Fellowship.

“So many of our young people now are part of the ‘none’ category, according recent Pew Study statistics,” Father Paul continued.  “One of the important connectors with this particular group will be to introduce or reintroduce them to the Orthodox Faith in an atmosphere focused on the works of mercy in an Orthodox Christian ethos.  We hope to acquaint the students with opportunities to serve others in southwest Detroit through Orthodox Detroit Outreach [ODO] conducted at Saints Peter and Paul Community Center.”  See related story.

Matt McCroskery, ODO co-founder, also will take part in the presentation and discussion with the students and faculty in attendance.

A flyer is available for downloading and distribution.  Additional information may be obtained by contacting Father Paul at 419-944-3995.

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