OCMC Mission Team Chicago to host benefit dinner February 23

OCMC Mission Team Chicago to host benefit dinner February 23

DES PLAINES, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — Archpriest Michael Oleksa, a priest of the OCA Diocese of Alaska, professor and expert on Alaskan Native cultures and history, will be the guest speaker at OCMC Mission Team Chicago to host benefit dinner February 23Mission Team Chicago’s annual Benefit Dinner on Thursday, February 23, 2017.

“The Missionary Importance of the Alaskan Saints Today” will be Father Michael’s topic.

The fundraiser, which will benefit the work of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center in Alaska and elsewhere, will be held at Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, 2350 East Dempster Street, Des Plaines, IL. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m.

Tickets may be ordered on-line or by contacting MTCBenefit@yahoo.com or 317-709-0168, at $35.00 per person.

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