Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral to celebrate 125th anniversary June 11, 2017

Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral to celebrate 125th anniversary June 11, 2017

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — Archpriest John Adamcio and the clergy and faithful of Holy Trinity Cathedral here recently announced that the parish’s 125th anniversary will be celebrated on Sunday, June 11, 2017.

Chicagos Holy Trinity Cathedral to celebrate 125th anniversary June 11 2017“This is a momentous occasion, worthy of giving thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for the blessings He has bestowed upon us, as well as strengthening us for the challenges we face in the 21st century,” Father John said.  “Additional information will be posted as it becomes available; in the meantime, we ask everyone to ‘save the date’ and join us for this most joyous occasion for our faithful and the Diocese of the Midwest!”

His Grace, Bishop Paul will preside at the anniversary Divine Liturgy.  A banquet will follow at the Carlisle, Lombard, IL.

Prior to the establishment of Saint Vladimir Church in 1892, Chicago’s Orthodox Christian faithful — Russians, Greeks, Serbs and other eastern and central Europeans — were served on occasion by Saint Alexis Toth during his pastorate in Minneapolis.  The original Saint Vladimir Church, built near the intersection of Racine and Madison, was consecrated on June 7, 1892.  Archpriest Nicholas Grinkevich served as the community’s first resident priest.

Chicagos Holy Trinity Cathedral to celebrate 125th anniversary June 11 2017With the assignment of Saint John Kochurov in 1895, it had become evident that the need to construct a new, larger church should be pursued.  Four years later, Saint Tikhon, at that time Bishop of the Aleutians and North America, blessed Saint John and the community’s faithful to commission noted Chicago architect Louis Sullivan to design and construct the current edifice, which was renamed in honor of the Holy Trinity.  On March 25, 1903, the first service was held in the completed cathedral with Saint Tikhon in attendance.  The cathedral was consecrated in August of the same year.

The celebration coincides with the 125th anniversary of Orthodox Christianity in Chicago.

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