Survey explores family needs for future diocesan youth and young adult programs

Survey explores family needs for future diocesan youth and young adult programs

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Paul, a new survey is now available for parents in the Diocese of the Midwest to share their thoughts and expectations for future diocesan youth and young adult (YYA) resources and programs.  The survey is available on-line.

“The six-question survey is designed to learn how parents perceive the role of the Church in the spiritual development and formation of their children,” said Priest Benjamin Tucci, Midwest Diocesan Youth Director.  “We want to hear what parents feel is vital for their children to build and maintain strong relationships within our parishes.  There are a lot of things competing for the attention of our youth, and it’s important to understand if the Church is central to their lives.”

Results of the survey, which will be available through Friday, June 30, 2017, will then be tabulated and compared with answers received from diocesan clergy who completed a similar survey in 2016.  The combined results will then be used to review existing YYA programs and resources for the youth and young adults in the Diocese of the Midwest.

“There is a lot of content available today, and we want to help parents make sense of it all,” Father Benjamin added.  “We can help parents understand which are the best resources to support their efforts in raising their children in the Orthodox Faith.”