Bishop Paul presides at 100th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church, Overland Park, Kansas
OVERLAND PARK, KS [MW Diocese Communica-tions] — On the weekend of October 7-8, 2017, His Grace, Bishop Paul presided at the 100th anniversary celebration of Holy Trinity Church, Overland Park, KS.
Bishop Paul was welcomed by Archpriest Timothy Sawchak, Rector, on Saturday, October 7. A meeting with parish teens and a Memorial Service for the founders, benefactors and clergy of the parish followed. In the evening, Great Vespers was celebrated; a reception followed.
Serving with Bishop Paul and Father Timothy at the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy were Archpriest John Zdinak, Chancellor of the Diocese of the Midwest; Priests Christopher Rowe, Michael Medis, and Joshua Lollar; and Deacon Brent Beasley. During the Liturgy, Fathers Christopher and Michael were elevated to the dignity of Archpriest, while Father Timothy was awarded the jeweled cross. A Synodal Gramota was presented to the parish at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy.
A gala celebration was held on Sunday evening, which featured a special video presentation on the theme of 100 years of Faith and Witness.