Bishop Paul presides at 100th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church, Overland Park, Kansas

Bishop Paul presides at 100th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church, Overland Park, Kansas

Bishop Paul presides at 100th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church Overland Park Kansas OVERLAND PARK, KS [MW Diocese Communica-tions] — On the weekend of October 7-8, 2017, His Grace, Bishop Paul presided at the 100th anniversary celebration of Holy Trinity Church, Overland Park, KS.

Bishop Paul was welcomed by Archpriest Timothy Sawchak, Rector, on Saturday, October 7.  A meeting with parish teens and a Memorial Service for the founders, benefactors and clergy of the parish followed.  In the evening, Great Vespers was celebrated; a reception followed.

Bishop Paul presides at 100th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church Overland Park Kansas Serving with Bishop Paul and Father Timothy at the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy were Archpriest John Zdinak, Chancellor of the Diocese of the Midwest; Priests Christopher Rowe, Michael Medis, and Joshua Lollar; and Deacon Brent Beasley.  During the Liturgy, Fathers Christopher and Michael were elevated to the dignity of Archpriest, while Father Timothy was awarded the jeweled cross.  A Synodal Gramota was presented to the parish at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy.

A gala celebration was held on Sunday evening, which featured a special video presentation on the theme of 100 years of Faith and Witness.

Bishop Paul presides at 100th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church Overland Park Kansas Bishop Paul presides at 100th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church Overland Park Kansas

Bishop Paul presides at 100th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church Overland Park Kansas 

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