“Becoming Truly Human” to play in Chicago area December 6
CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — “Becoming Truly Human“ — a documentary film that shares the faith journeys of eight Millennials — will be presented by TheatriCast at the AMC Showplace Vernon Hill 8, 555 North Lakeview Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 7:00p.m. See related story.
Tickets for the one-night-only screening may be ordered on-line. Chicago is one of a dozen select US markets in which the film is being shown during November and December.
Supported by the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America and Ancient Faith Ministries and directed by Nathan Jacobs, “Becoming Truly Human” looks at the rise of the “nones” — those with no religious affiliation. Recent surveys indicate that 25% of the US population falls into this category, garnering enthusiasm from atheists and concern from religious leaders and groups. The film delves into the faith journeys of eight “nones” — one of whom embraces Orthodox Christianity — thereby reframing the “nones” as people defined not by unaffiliation, but by their search for something deeper than the religions of their youth.
“Becoming Truly Human” is also available for purchase in DVD and Blu-Ray from Ancient Faith Ministries and is ideal for viewing and discussion in parish group settings.