Diocesan Chancellor addresses clergy 2018 cost of living adjustment

Diocesan Chancellor addresses clergy 2018 cost of living adjustment

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — In a letter to parish rectors and parish councils dated November 30, 2017, Archpriest John Zdinak, Chancellor of the Diocese of the Midwest, provides information with regard to the 2018 cost of living adjustment for diocesan priests.

“This letter serves to inform all of our parishes that the Cost of Living Adjustment for the Priests of the Diocese of the Midwest is set at 2%,” the letter begins.  “This is in agreement with our Diocesan Clergy Compensation Policy.  All parish budgets for the 2018 calendar year should reflect this COLA.  The 2% figure is taken directly from the Social Security Administration COLA which can be found at their website, http://www.ssa.gov/cola/.

“The mandatory COLA adjustment for the parishes of the Diocese of the Midwest was presented, discussed, moved and passed and ratified by the 47th Diocesan Assembly of the Diocese of the Midwest, October 2008, Burr Ridge, Illinois,” the letter continues.  “It is to be paid on the total cash compensation of Salary, in the event there is a parish rectory, or Salary + Housing if the priest receives a housing allowance.

“We thank all of you for responding and acting on this as you prepare your budgets for the year 2018.  May our Lord bless you all abundantly and preserve you in peace, health, and everything pleasing to Him,” the letter concludes.

The letter in PDF format is available here.