Diocese raises over $14K to help Alaskan, Mexican delegates attend 19th All-American Council

Diocese raises over $14K to help Alaskan, Mexican delegates attend 19th All-American Council

Diocese raises over 14K to help Alaskan Mexican delegates attend 19th All-American CouncilCHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — The Diocese of the Midwest is pleased to announce that, in response to an appeal by His Grace, Bishop Paul for donations to help defray expenses for delegates from the Dioceses of Alaska and Mexico to the 19th All-American Council [AAC], the sum of $14,407.04 has been raised.  A check in that amount was sent to Melanie Ringa, Treasurer of the Orthodox Church in America, during the first week of March 2018.

Bishop Paul’s appeal letter was issued on November 30, 2017.  Generous donations were received from parishes, families and individuals alike.

As widely announced, the 19th AAC will convene in Saint Louis, MO from July 23 through 27, 2018.  The theme of the AAC will be “For The Life Of The World.”

Donations are still being accepted with gratitude and may be sent to the Diocese of the Midwest, 927 North LaSalle, Chicago, IL 60610.

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