Konevets Quartet to sing in Chicago area September 21-23

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — The internationally acclaimed Konevets Quartet, from St. Petersburg, Russia, will perform at different venues this fall in the Greater Chicago, IL area.

Konevets Quartet to sing in Chicago area September 21 to 23They will be singing the responses at the 8:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy served on Saturday, September 21, at Holy Virgin Protection Russian Orthodox Cathedral, 1800 Lee Street, Des Plaines.  Later that same day, at 6:00 p.m., they perform in concert as part of the Fall Festival of the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Demetrios, 893 Church Road, Elmhurst.  Admission to this concert is by free will collection.

On Sunday, September 22, they will be singing the responses at the 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy served, again, at Holy Virgin Protection Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Des Plaines.  Later that same day, they perform in concert at 1:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. as part of Holy Virgin Protection’s Festival.  Admission to these concerts is also by free will collection.

The members of the Konevets Quartet will also hold a Vocal Master Class for the students of Guardian Angel Orthodox Day School, Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, 2350 East Dempster Street, Des Plaines.

More detailed information for each of these venues can be found, respectively, at: www.holyvirginprotection.orgwww.saintdemetrioselmhurst.org, and www.gaods.org.

For general information regarding the appearing of the Konevets Quartet in the Greater Chicago area this September, contact Gordana Trbuhovich, with Faith Net Inc. Orthodox Christian Sources & Resources, at: FaithNetOrth@aol.com (email), 773-227-1018 (phone), or 773-619-8755 (cell).