St. Macrina Institute Offers Part II of “Seeds of Faith” Course

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The St. Macrina Institute of the Diocese of the Midwest is offering the second part of the popular course, “Seeds of Faith”, which covers practices of Faith: liturgy, prayer, and daily living.
The course will deal with the meaning of smaller, regularly repeated liturgical and prayer actions that are done at Church and at home; the ethical commands from the Law and the Gospel that we live by; and the traditional identification of passions that afflict a Christian. Among these practices, the program covers: the sign of the Cross, facing East, bowing, kissing, use of icons, reading of scripture, practice of stillness, etc. All these lead to a depth of theological reflection. Other aspects of the course covers identifying ethical commands from the very beginning in Genesis, to the Laws given on Sinai and the exhortations and instructions for practice given by Christ and the Apostles.

The first Seeds of Faith course is not a necessary prerequisite for this course. New students are welcome.

The schedule will be made in consultation with the students. The course will involves approximately 6 classes of 2 hours. The suggested donation for the course will be $200, which can be waived if a dedicated student cannot afford it. The course will be taught over zoom because of the broad interest of students from around the Diocese of the Midwest.

Archpriest Elijah Mueller, the director of St. Macrina Institute and the professor of Spirituality, will be the leading this course. “While covering the elements above we will talk about how passions, such as the 8 tempting thoughts, get in the way of faithful life, and on the other hand, the virtues, as divine gifts, rescue us from these mental and emotional traps,” Fr. Elijah reported. “In addition, we will talk frankly about our modern distractions (internet, social media, etc.), as well as very old ones, and how to navigate them.”

Please contact Fr. Elijah at 312-714-9775 or at if you are interested. He will connect potential students to a time availability survey to determine meeting times, and put new students on the mailing list. Please also use the Diocesan “OurDiocese” for convenience in notifying you: sign on and ask to be added to the St. Macrina group.