Theophany Celebrated with Ordination and Great Blessing of Water

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – On Friday, January 5, and Saturday, January 6, services were held in celebration of the great feast of Theophany, at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Chicago, IL.

Festal services began on Friday morning with the celebration of the Vesperal Liturgy served by Cathedral Dean, Priest Alexander Koranda, Protodeacon Thomas Keith, and Deacon Paul Garklavs. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, the Great Blessing of Water was celebrated, and the festal icon was processed into the center of the Cathedral. His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest was in attendance. Later that evening, the Archbishop celebrated Great Compline and Festal Matins. Serving with His Eminence were Archpriest John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Fr. Alexander, Deacon Paul, and Deacon Philip Dage.

On Saturday morning, the Archbishop celebrated the Divine Liturgy with Fr. Alexander, Fr. John, Archpriest Paul Albert, Archpriest Tarasiy Maxim, and Deacons Thomas, Paul, and Philip. After the Great Entrance, Deacon Philip was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. Following the Liturgy, the Great Blessing of Water was held and the Archbishop blessed the temple and faithful gathered.

The Archbishop concluded the day offering remarks to the newly ordained priest and his wife encouraging them to remain faithful to Christ and His Church, and also the great gift of the priesthood given to us by Christ. The Archbishop also welcomed the faithful from SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Detroit, MI, who traveled to Chicago to support their seminarian who was being ordained. Following the Prayers of Thanksgiving, a reception was held in the parish hall.

Fr. Philip is a third year seminarian of the Diocese of the Midwest at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Upon graduation in the Spring, Fr. Philip will be assigned to a parish in the diocese.

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