Upcoming Choral Workshop Coming to the Minnesota Twin Cities

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The St. Andrew of Crete Musical Ministry of the Diocese of the Midwest is pleased to announce an upcoming choral workshop in the Minnesota Twin Cities. This event will take place Friday February 23th and Saturday February 24th at St. Mary Cathedral in Northeast Minneapolis. In conjunction with the local Pan-Orthodox Choir Ministry, participants will have the opportunity to improve their technical singing skills, sight read new music and spend time in fellowship with other church musicians. The Friday keynote address will be given by Priest Gregory Ealy from Dayton, OH on the topic of Communion Hymns: their history and placement within the Divine Liturgy.  Please see the flyer for more details.

Register online at POCMinistry.com before February 17th.

For questions or more information, please contact Mark Wesche at POCM@stmaryoca.org