Upcoming St. Macrina Conference Schedule Released

BURBANK,IL [DOM Communications] – The St. Macrina Orthodox Institute has released the schedule for their upcoming conference. As previously reported, the eighth annual St. Macrina Conference will be held at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church, Milwaukee, WI August 6-7, 2021.

The Conference will run from 2:00 p.m. on Friday, August 6 and close in the afternoon on Saturday, August 7.  The $80.00 registration fee includes, meals, and all Conference materials and instruction.  Potential participants should complete the registration form.

Participants will also have the opportunity to meet individually with His Eminence Archbishop Paul. The meetings will be held on Friday between 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and Saturday between 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. More spots can be opened as needed. To reserve a meeting time, contact Archpriest Elijah Mueller: elijahnmueller@sbcglobal.net .

Those in need of assistance finding lodging are encouraged to contact Mr. Alex Rasmussen: arasmuss@rasmussentravels.com.

Registration Form


ALL EVENTS at Sts Cyril and Methodius Church, 2505 S. 30th St., Milwaukee, WI 53215

Friday August 6th

2-3:30 Talk by Dr. Richard Gregory Zaleski
4-5:15 Talk by Dr. Rebecca Luft
5:30 Vespers
6:30 Dinner
7-9pm Practica, Diaconal and Catechetical

Saturday August 7th

9am First and Third Hour
9:30-11 talk by Fr. Bogdan Bucur of St. Vladimir’s Seminary (via zoom), Fr. Elijah moderating
11-12 practica-diaconal and catechetical
12 Lunch
12:30-3 practica-diaconal and catechetical


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