Covering topics from pastoral skills to leadership development to religious trends in America, the Diocese’ webinar series is designed to deliver practical training, skill development, and timely information from subject matter experts to clergy and lay leaders at low cost and with convenient access.
Incorporating new members theme of fifth webinar – Completed
The fifth in the popular series of one-hour on-line webinars on reaching the unchurched, facilitated by Joseph Kormos, head of the Diocese of the Midwest’s Parish Development Ministry, and Archpriest Jonathan Ivanoff, was held on Wednesday, November 28, 2012,
The theme — “Assimilation and Integration” — considered ways to incorporate new persons into parish life. Additional info can be found here.

A Welcoming Atmosphere — Preparing for Positive First Time Experiences for Inquirers – COMPLETED
Session 4 of the Orthodox Growth and Evangelism Series was held Wednesday evening October 24. Course leaders Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff and Joseph Kormos addressed the actions necessary for creating positive first time experiences for inquirers.
Specific topics covered in this session were:
- Preparing for a warm welcome — understanding the visit from the inquirer’s perspective
- Equipping an effective greeters ministry — good practices for the entire parish to help inquirers feel comfortable – before , during & after
- Eliminating seeker insensitive behaviors — one by one!
- Greeting at the conclusion – overcoming reticence to visit fellowship hour; the bookstore and more.
- Good follow up — increasing the likelihood of return visits.
The Evangelization Webinar series covers practical and theoretical aspects of sharing the Gospel – as lived and taught by the Orthodox Church – with America. The series seeks to take initial strides to equip and encourage more Orthodox to share the good news of the Gospel … using words when necessary…. with those God sends and to whom God sends us.
Becoming An “Evangelizing Parish” – CompletedSession 3 of the Orthodox Growth and Evangelism Series was held Wednesday evening September 26 8:00 PM EDT. Joseph Kormos offered insights on establishing a parish effort to reach the unchurched. In his presentation Mr Kormos noted that spreading the Gospel is both a personal and corporate effort. An “evangelizing parish” creates the motivation, atmosphere, identity and impetus to make inviting and sharing easier and more effective.
Specific topics covered in this session were:
- Proper foundation –a healthy parish and proper motivation – sharing Christ’s love.
- Putting together a plan of action
- An overall evangelism approach — an entrance cycle for new members
- Parish evangelism education
- Connecting with the surrounding community — service and events
“Taking Action with the Unchurched” topic of August 22 webinar – CompletedCHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — “Inviting People to an Orthodox Church: The How and Why of Taking Action with the Unchurched” was the theme of a one-hour webinar facilitated by Joseph Kormos, head of the Diocese of the Midwest’s Parish Development Ministry, at 8:00 p.m. EDT on August 22, 2012.
Additional info and registration info can be found here.
The Unchurched: How to Reach the Lost, the Lapsed and the Letdown 7/18/12 Completed

On Wednesday July 18, Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff, Director or Evangelization and Mission for the OCA Diocese of NY/NJ presented a webinar for clergy and laity interested in understanding and reaching out to the unchurched.
Reducing the Risk of Sexual Misconduct 10/13-Completed
Michael Herzak |
A shortened version of a presentation offered at the 2010 Diocesan Assembly was delivered by Michael Herzak, President of Insurance Systems, insurance agency for many diocesan parishes, on Thursday October 13 at 7:00 PM CDT. In the webinar Mr. Herzak reviewed key legal and practical factors to help parishes maintain a vigilant attitude toward their duty to protect the safety of all parishioners.
Topics included: statistics about sexual misconduct in churches,legal vulnerability, the importance of demonstrating systematic action to prevent misconduct events. elements of an action plan, practices for who should work with children; how they should be screened; safe practices to follow.
Improving Your Parish Website-Completed

Our most recent webinar had a large viewing audience as over fifty attendees tuned in to hear Parish Development Ministry leader Joe Kormos offer opinions about “Improving your Parish Website.”
An archive recording of the session can be found here.(This link will require you to register to view the archive.) Slides are here.
Discovering Parish Values Webinar-Completed
Fr. Ivanoff |
Our most recent webinar, Discovering Parish Values: Foundation for Living a Life in Christ was attended by our largest on-line gathering yet. Over 75 persons joined us as we hosted Fr Jonathan Ivanoff. If you missed the session you can tune in the to the on-line archive here and you can download Fr Jonathan’s slides here.
Facilitation Skills Series-Completed
Kennneth Kovach |
The last in the series of Facilitation Skills for Parish Life has completed. The final topic “Intervening to Keep the Group on track” was presented by professional facilitator Kenneth Kovach.
To view slides click here. For archive click here.
Parish Councils & Their Meetings-Completed

On June 2O10 Diocesan Parish Development Ministry leader Joseph Kormos delivered a webinar titled Revamping Parish Councils — and Parish Council Meetings. The session explored how Parish Councils can transition from parish administrative bodies –limited to “bills budgets and buildings” to a more complete role as a shared leadership body.
This session is complete.
Listen to/view archive You need to register –then you can view webinar.
Download slides
Webinar Archive
Recent Changes in the American Religious Landscape
Fr. Basil Aden
Demographic, spiritual trends & major attitudes shaping American view toward religion.
Facilitation Series
Session 1 – Making Parish Groups Successful
Kenneth Kovach
This session is the first in a series. It lays the foundation for using facilitation approaches in parish group settings.
- Slides
- Session recording (Contains some annoying periods of dead audio due to pilot error in the middle and end of session)
Session 2 – Making Meetings Matter
Kenneth Kovach
Types of meetings. Good practices. Rescuing meetings gone wrong.
Session 3 – Convergent and Divergent Thinking
Kenneth Kovach
Generating more and better ideas and making better decisions. We did not complete the presentation. We will finish this in the next session.
Session 4 – Revamping Parish Councils and Parish Council Meetings
Joseph Kormos
Discussion of the roles, responsibilities, practices and meeting methods for healthy parish councils.
Session 5 – Intervening to Keep the Group on Track
Kenneth Kovach
Discussion of tactics for intervening in meetings. The structure of interventions and tips.
Core ValuesDiscovering Parish Core Values: Foundation for Living a Life in Christ
Fr Jonathan Ivanoff
- Slides
- Archive recording — Due to Pilot error the recording missed the first six slides or so –our apologies!
Parish WebsitesImproving Your Parish Website
Joseph Kormos
- Slides
- Archived recording (you must register to view)
Reducing the RiskOf Misconduct in the Parish
Michael Herzak
The Unchurched Webinar Series
Session 1: Defining the Unchurched — The Unchurched Webinar Series
Reaching the Lost, the Lapsed and the Letdown
Fr Jonathan Ivanoff – July 18, 2012
- Slides
- Archive – NOTE: Due to technical difficulties in the original broadcast the webinar has been re-recorded to give a cleaner presentation. However, during the second recording “pilot error” caused the screen images to not be displayed for the first six minutes. (An extended introduction.) Viewers can fast forward past the intro (time stamp ~ 6:00) to hear and see Fr. Ivanoff’s entire presentation.
Session 2: Inviting People to an Orthodox Church — The Unchurched Webinar Series
The How and Why of Taking Action for the Unchurched
Fr Jonathan Ivanoff and Joseph Kormos – August 22, 2012
Session 3: Becoming an “Evangelizing Parish” —The Unchurched Webinar Series
Equipping the Parish for Reaching the Unchurched
Joseph Kormos – September 26, 2012
Session 4: Parish Hospitality —The Unchurched Webinar Series
Creating Positive First Time Experiences
Fr Jonathan Ivanoff and Joseph Kormos – October 24, 2012
Bonus Coverage: Better Parish Press Releases —The Unchurched Webinar Series
Form and Format to Get Editor’s Attention — Short Session (10 minutes)
David Adrian
Session 5: Assimilation & Integration: Incorporating New Persons into the Life of the Parish —The Unchurched Webinar Series
Fr Jonathan Ivanoff and Joseph Kormos – November 28, 2012