Christ is Born! Nativity Celebrations at the Diocesan Cathedral

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ was celebrated on December 24 and 25 by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, and the faithful of his Diocesan Cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Chicago, IL.

On Saturday, the Eve of Nativity, a Catechumen of the Cathedral was baptized by Priest Alexander Koranda, Cathedral Dean, followed by Divine Liturgy, which was led by Archbishop Daniel. Great Vespers began after the dismissal at liturgy with the appointed Old Testament readings, Epistle and Gospel. The festal icon was processed out and placed in the center of the cathedral accompanied by the singing of the festal troparion. Saturday evening, His Eminence lead the appointed Great Compline and Matins services. At the conclusion of the evening service, His Eminence offered a few teachings on the feast and encouraged those gathered to enjoy and embrace this feast.

The following day, the great feast of the Incarnation of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Archbishop Daniel entered his cathedral with the ringing of the bells and was greeted by Priest Alexander Koranda, Archpriest Tarasiy Maxim, Protodeacon Thomas Keith, and Deacon Paul Garklavs. The festal antiphons appointed for the Nativity were sung by the choir at the direction of Ms. Olga Garklavs.

At the conclusion of the service, His Eminence congratulated those gathered for the feast. Fr. Alexander offered greetings and congratulatory remarks on behalf of the cathedral faithful to His Eminence. Christmas Carols were joyfully sung after the reading of the Thanksgiving Prayers.

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