07-02-12 St. Vladimir's Camp
St. Vladimir's Summer Camp (Farmdale, OH - Cleveland Deanery) July 2, 2012 campers St. Vladimir Campers welcomed His Grace, Bishop Matthias as he visited with them and toured the camp. His Grace also had lunch with the children and hosted a question and answer session.

06-17-12 Madison IL
June 17, 2012 Episcopal visit to the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Madison, IL

06-18-12 40th Anny Ordination
June 18, 2012: Divine Liturgy for His Grace, Bishop Matthias' 40th anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood

06-28-12 Marblehead, OH
Parish Visitation - Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul - Holy Assumption, Marblehead, Ohio

06-24-12 Pella, IA
Parish Visit - St. Nicholas Mission, Pella, Iowa