05.17.08 Christ the Savior Consecration
On May 17, 2008 His Eminence, Archbishop JOB, concelebrating with Diocesan Deans and Chicagoland clergy consecrated Christ the Savior Church located in downtown Chicago.
Founded on August 16, 1997, the parish's patronal feast, Christ the Savior is one of the many new communities within the diocese. The church building where Christ the Savior is now housed was once the property of the Apostolic Catholic Church, an offshoot of Anglicanism. The church and the three story residence was given to the diocese in 1996.
The administrative offices of the diocese are located directly behind the altar and the house serves as the Archbishop's residence, parish rectory and Diocesan Center.
The interior of Christ the Savior is adorned with iconography by Priest Theodore Yurevich and the iconostasis was fashioned by Mr. Ben Machnee.
During the Divine Liturgy His Eminence awarded the Kamilavka to Priest John Baker. Father John has served the needs of the faithful of Christ the Savior since 2004.
The choir of St. Tikhon Seminary, South Canaan, Pennsylvania, sang the liturgical responses and Archpriest Michael Dahulich, seminary dean, delivered the homily.