14-03-29 Bloomington-Normal
His Grace, Bishop Alexander, made his first archpastoral visit to the faithful of Holy Apostles Church here on the last weekend of March 2014. Priest Danial Doss, Acting Priest-in-Charge, welcomed Bishop Alexander as he arrived at the church, accompanied by Protodeacon Robert Northrup.
Full story at: http://domoca.org/news_140406_1.html

14-01-11 Williams Bay
The faithful of Holy Theophany Chapel here welcomed their sisters and brothers from Milwaukee's Saints Cyril and Methodius Church, Chicago/Hyde Park's Saint Makarios the Great Mission, and Chicago's Christ the Savior Church for the celebration of their patronal feastday and the Blessing of Lake Geneva on Saturday, January 11, 2014.
Full story at: http://domoca.org/news_140204_1.html

07-27-13 Milwaukee
Witnessing to the neighborhood: Over 200 attend Milwaukee parish’s 13th annual neighborhood block party
Full story at: http://domoca.org/news_130822_1.html

06-29-13 Detroit
Detroit's SS Peter and Paul Cathedral celebrates feastday with Garden Party Celebration
Full story at: http://domoca.org/news_130730_2.html