SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, Lorain, Ohio, in cooperation with the National Negro Business & Professional Women's Club of Lorain hosted a visited of Fr Moses Berry. The visit was held in conjunction with dedication services of the Underground Railroad Monument at the Black River Landings in downtown Lorain.

6.10.07 Lakewood
On Saturday and Sunday June 9/10, His Eminence visited Sts Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Lakewood, Ohio. The parish is celebrating this year their 90th Anniversary.
Archbishop JOB tonsured two readers and on behalf of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America raised Fr Ives Babich to the rank of Archpriest.

06.03.07 Quad Parish Picnic
On Sunday June 3 His Eminence joined the faitful of Archangel Michael, St Luke, St Panteleimon and St Peter and St Paul for the Divine Liturgy and picnic in what has become the annual "Quad Parish" picnic.

05.27.07 - Holy Trinity Cathedral
His Eminence celebrated the Feast of Pentecost at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago.

5.20.07 JACKSON
On Saturday and Sunday May 19/20, His Eminence paid an Archpastoral Visit to St Demetrios Orthodox Church in Jackson, Michigan.
On Saturday His Emience blessed the new iconostasis and icons where recently installed in the church. His Eminence was joined at the blessing by His Eminence Archbishop NATHANIEL.
Also in attendance at the blessing were area clergy including Archimandrite Roman Braga with Mother Gabriella and the Sisters of Dormiton Monastery
The parish hosted an open house on Saturday at which Vladyak JOB gave a lecture on iconography.
On Sunday, at the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence, on behalf of the Holy Synod of Bishops, elevated parish rector, Fr Dusan Koprivica, to the rank of Archpriest.