St. John Camp - Summer 2005
St. John the Forerunner

Consecration of Orthodox Church in Bardejov, Slovakia - August 2006
Diocesan clergy and faithful travled to Bardejov, Slovakia to participate in the consecration of a newly built Orthodox Church there. The Church was largely funded by faithful of St Mary's Cathedral, Minneapolis, whose ancestors came from the area of Bardejov in Northern Slovakia.
August 2006
Quad Parishes Picnic 2005
Palos Hills, IL - On Sunday, June 12, 2005, His Eminence, Archbishop JOB, celebrated the Divine Liturgy with the "quad parishes" of SS. Peter and Paul, St. Luke, St. Panteleimon, and Archangel Michael.
The V. Rev. Stephen Karaffa, V. Rev. Andrew Harrison, V. Rev. Myron D Manzuk, and Rev. Luke Nelson concelebrated. Responses were sung by the four parish choirs under the direction of Mr. John Sutko. Following the Liturgy there was a picnic at the grounds of the forest preserve.

Quincy Mission Receives New Priest
October 2005
Photos courtesty of the Quincy Herald Whig. Photography by Larry Flavell.