On October 31 St Nicholas Church in Kenosha, Wisconsin hosted and "alternative halloween" celebration consisting of Great Vespers, a festal party that included a hearty hotdog supper, hot cider, pumpkin-painting, make-your-own caramel apples, gourd-bowling, goodie bags, near fatal bouts of fake sword fighting, and lots of warm-hearted fellowship. Knights, Cossacks, angels, cats, and even a deviled egg made an appearance.

On Saturday October 31 during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy for the Feast Day of St John of Chicago and Tsarskoye Selo, His Eminence, Archbishop Job ordained Gregory Wickes to the Holy Diaconate.

St Mary Orthodox Church in Cornucopia, Wisconsin has celebrated this summer its Centennial Anniversary through a number of events. Since the exact founding date of the parish is not clear the faithful have dedicated the entire summer to celebrating this most momentous event.
The main event of the summer celebration was held on the weekend of July 25/26 with Vespers and Divine Liturgy and an afternoon program and banquet that saw more than 250 people in attendance. Orthodox faithful from Lublin, Huron, Clayton and Minneapolis made the pilgrimage to celebrate the anniversary. St Mary's Balalika Orchestra played at the banquet.
On Sunday August 23 the Centential Anniversary celebration continued with Archbishop Job celebrating the Divine Liturgy together with Archpriest Thaddeus Wojcik and Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak.
St Mary's Church is one of the oldest in the diocese having been settled in 1909 by Eastern European immigrants who settled in Northern Wisconsin because of the good farming conditions. St Mary's church is home to the original iconostasis from St Vladimir's Church, the forerunner parish to Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois.