05-10-12 IOCC Banquet
Orthodox faithful of Greater Chicago gathered at the Rosewood Restaurant and Banquets on May 10, 2012, to support the humanitarian work of International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). The event was hosted by the IOCC Chicago Metropolitan Committee, a group representing local Orthodox parishes and dedicated to supporting the humanitarian work of IOCC and its mission to extend a hand to those in need around the world, without discrimination. The evening began with an invocation offered by His Grace, Bishop Matthias, Orthodox Church in America, Diocese of the Midwest.

05-05-12 Golitzin Consecration
Archimandrite Alexander [Golitzin] consecrated Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian diocese. Date: May 5, 2012

04-29-2012 ParmaOH visit
Bp. Matthias’s first Archpastoral visit to Holy Trinity, Parma, OH.

04-29-2012 GarklavParmaOH
Bp. Matthias installs Fr. Alexander Garklavs as the new rector of Holy Trinity, Parma, OH.